Stone Bandana is Ed and Vicktorya’s way to provide our creative work and efforts to inform the public of the many serious issues confronting humanity. With so much censorship and stifling of expression on social media, we also created Freedom Watchers Groups for our exercise of the First Amendment rights we have in the USA. Everyone is welcome and we encourage robust discussion.
Overall, we hope our efforts in fiction and fact will help bolster the Spirit of Liberty that beats in every heart. The following bios for our pen names in our epic series, Rebel Souls, Unintended Destiny, should explain more.

About Tony Bandana
Tony is the pen name for Ed Camplese. Many of our book series’ events are autobiographical and includes Ed’s diverse background – from Teamster to taxi driver, tradesman, business owner, practice in the legal field, and an active community group leader – while living his life in the American counter culture of the more serious side of the world of motorcycling.
Ed was raised in Boston and surrounding areas during an era that presented many challenges to the country and hard choices for those of his generation. Developing survival skills was imperative to their very existence. Ed believes that being a good listener of each individual’s life experiences is the best education to learn how to make personal choices to one’s own soul.
Throughout this saga, Tony shares his attitudes and experiences, which were formed over a lifetime. Tony’s dad repeatedly cautioned that the roadway of life which Tony chose was not an easy route and would make life more difficult than those who decided to play it safe. While knowing his dad’s words were well intended, he chose the adventurous road of risks and challenges to satisfy his soul.
After deciding to share his many adventures, he met Vicktorya Stone online and asked if she would be interested in co-authoring this book, which has transformed into another real life-long saga. She accepted, understanding that their different paths in life had led them down different roads, but they both recognized their souls were similar in an adventurous way, much like the souls of so many others they encountered.
About Lena
Lena is Vicktorya Stone’s pen name for the Rebel Souls series. While many of the events and much of the background for Lena is based upon Vicktorya’s early life, the story is not as autobiographical for her as for Ed. Lena, like Vicktorya, grew up in California country on a peach and plum orchard, with three older brothers who loved to race cars. She had an early love for horses, a mother who always said positive things, like “yes”, and a father whose first response was usually “no”. Her teenage years had her dancing to rock and roll, graduating, work and college, and then rock climbing in Yosemite, where she met her future husband who would become a USMC fighter pilot, and as wife of a naval aviator, she saw the faster side of the military. Changes occurred, a divorce, corporate and freelance work in USA, and then twenty years in New Zealand, working with authors and co-founding an alternative school for adults.
In 2016 Vicktorya returned to the States to work with Ed on Rebel Souls – Unintended Destiny. Sight unseen!
This epic saga provides the rich tapestry of growing up in the 1960’s and 1970’s with that era’s social, sexual, and soulful dilemmas. Lena battles the Establishment in her own ways, becoming involved with wild horses while seeking to simply live out her dreams, but sinister actors and political intrigue continually works its way into her life.
Vicktorya and Ed are also a real life love story. After first meeting online in 2013 or so, she traveled 8,965 miles to meet him and the rest is their story as they create their life together in Massachusetts.
We hope you enjoy the saga, and that it leaves you asking more deeply: what is in my soul?